A tribute to my Dad – Maish Davidson, May he rest in peace.

Feb 28, 1935-Apr 4, 2012 – where every day was lived to the max

Vietnam, 1968:

New York sometime between 2010-2011

A poem by my father’s dear friend – Gerd Stern: 4/6/2012:


you, extra


tzadikker, tzaidee

simple sophisticate

believed his oath

afforded faith

generosity, family

lots of questions

some answerable

friendship held tightly

jewishly, bonded by

eyes looking into

each others


gerd 4/6/2012

Reflections by me, Suzi LeVine:

Souls and Soles: Connecting with my Dad

I first really saw my dad’s soles when we went running on the beach in the summer of 1979. He didn’t wear shoes and I didn’t understand how his feet were impervious to the shells. Then I saw his feet. Calloused, thick, strong – and only a little cracking. They represented his vitality and they, metaphorically, helped him over that which would have sliced many others’ feet.

There’s never been a run I’ve taken since then that I haven’t thought about that first run with him and thought about his feet – and how my feet, now much older, also have thick, calloused and slightly cracking soles.

I first truly saw my dad’s soul when I went to Tsfat in Israel and, for the first time really connected with him. I called him weekly to discuss what I was learning from a very special and meaningful program that stretched me and pushed me to explore the depths of who I am. Not that others couldn’t be a part of that discussion, but it was very special to connect with him Jewishly – especially since he loved and accepted all the twists and turns that my learning was taking me.

When I think about the spirituality I explored and still experience and how that nourishes my soul, I can’t help but think about our conversations!

So Dad – I just want you to know: you will forever live on in my SOUL and in my SOLES. We all love you.

3 responses to “A tribute to my Dad – Maish Davidson, May he rest in peace.

  1. Christine Rodi Woods

    I remember your father so fondly. Always a gentleman, strong and loving. He would always kiss us both goodbye in the mornings when he would leave for work. That always made me feel so loved and significant. Such a beautiful poem Suzi…… I loved it!
    My prayers to your family for your loss.

  2. Suzi, you don’t know me; we met at the 1,000 women for Obama event and I wished Ham Sameach. You mentioned the passing of your dad the night before, and it was quite touching to most of us that you came to the event rather than grieving with your family. This is wonderful tribute, and I hope you got a chance to express some of it to your dad before you lost him. My heart goes out to you. Sue Leavitt

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